Sunday, January 27, 2008

Writers Challenge #1

This was challenge I participated in on the SimTales Writers Forum.

The Goal was to write a piece of prose using no more than 250 words.

Not as easy as it sounds. LOL!!! Enjoy!!!

For more information,

Please, check us out!!!!

I once dreamed I was in a strange land.

A place where everything I saw, was exotic. Surrounded by wealth untold, beautiful women, and a walled Garden, my world metamorphisized into enticing sights, sounds, and sensations. These became both a balm, and a curse to my soul. I lived with beauty and danger. In this land, I was the exotic one.

In this Garden, I was taught to enhance my natural beauty, and grace, and things so foreign and erotic, I was mortified. Then came the Dance, and the Dance became my everything. Within the Dance I lost myself, delving into passions yet unknown. The Dance was my salvation. I was transported to another world where I forgot the danger, the jealousy, and my purpose here.

Only one man entered the Garden. The Master. He who would steal my innocence. It was impressed upon me, that if I failed to please the Master, my life was forfeit. Many anticipated my demise, for my survival depended on something I was unwilling to give.

The Master arrived while I was in the midst of my Dance. The other's had retired, yet I remained. I was trapped inside these walls. Unaware, I poured my grief into the swayings of my body, forgetting for a time, my peril. As the music faded, my body traced the final moves of supplication. Surprised, I glanced into His eyes, and silence descended.

He held out his hand to me and waited.


S@n said...

I loved your entry :D I didn't vote for you, lol but I did love it... :D

chardonnay said...

Thanks Sandy! I am glad you loved it.

I went a different route, and so the Garden story won. Ah well....

HAd I been allowed to enter it in it's original might have stood a chance. But what can you do if you have only so many words to work with. LOL!!!

S.B. said...

this one...I have goosebumps reading it. Beautiful, eerie, and perilous. Can Scheherazade save her own life, one way or the other...lovely and sensual.

chardonnay said...

Thank You Beth!!

This was the end result. I had written it more along the style of 'Realm of Dreams' and 'To the One that I Love' stories.

I spent 15 minutes writing it, and the next 3 and a half hours culling it down to fit the challenge.

And now I am kicking myself in the butt because I didn't keep the original....

Leah said...

And you should be kicking yourself in the butt for not keeping the original.

I would have loved to read it, woman!

And I know - telling a story in so little words is hard to accomplish.
I loved your entry, though. It was beautiful. It still is.

chardonnay said...

Who Knows Leah, I might go back and try to re-write it...Should be interesting to try !!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Colliegirl said...

That must have been some strange dream, all right.

Beautifully written! It makes one ponder over the words...

chardonnay said...

Thanks Tammy...and doesn't it tho'. Make you ponder, and wonder...what was her fate????

I can tell you I would have liked to know...But I woke up then...LOL!!! Damn alarms....